Office Policy

Our Financial Policy.

We will give you a quote at your consultation appointment which will be confirmed in writing over the next 1-2 days. Endodontic fees are dependent on the type of tooth you are having treated, whether the tooth has had endodontic treatment previously and the level of difficulty involved. For example posterior teeth commonly have 4-5 canals and their anatomy is complex and therefore more difficult to treat.

It is our policy that your consultation appointment is paid for on the day. If you commence treatment, fifty percent of the total treatment fee is payable at your first treatment appointment and the balance on completion of your treatment. If we complete treatment in a single visit, payment is due at the time of service. There is no charge for any review appointments required to assess healing following treatment.If endodontic treatment is your preferred option, two treatment appointments are usually required. The length of these appointments depends on which tooth is being treated and the level of difficulty involved. If the problem with your tooth is particularly difficult then three appointments may be required to complete treatment.

At the first appointment, the tooth is anaesthetised, and a rubber dam is placed over the tooth to isolate it from saliva and for patient safety. The tooth is accessed (as for a filling) and the root canal system is cleaned, shaped and disinfected. At the end of this appointment, an antibacterial dressing and temporary filling is placed. The antibacterial dressing is left in place for 2-4 weeks. This allows time for any symptoms to resolve and early healing to begin.

At the second appointment, the tooth is again anaesthetised and opened. Any final shaping is completed, before the canal(s) are filled and sealed. A permanent restoration is then placed on the tooth. If a crown has been recommended (often for posterior teeth), your own dentist will usually do this 6 months after endodontic treatment is complete.


Get in touch

Scott Turner Endodontics are a specialist endodontic practice. The majority of our patients are seen on a referral basis, most often referred by their general dentist.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

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