Your Treatment

What to expect.

Your consultation appointment

Your first appointment will be a comprehensive and informative consultation. Following investigation and diagnosis, Dr Turner will explain all treatment options to you, and factors specific to your particular tooth and answer any questions you have.

This process enables you to make an informed decision regarding your tooth. A letter will be posted or emailed to you the same day detailing the findings and discussion at your consultation. The expected success rate for your treatment and a quote for your treatment will also be given. Your dentist will be kept informed via a letter following your consultation and again when treatment has been completed.


Get in touch

Scott Turner Endodontics are a specialist endodontic practice. The majority of our patients are seen on a referral basis, most often referred by their general dentist.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

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Why do I need another consultation about my tooth? My dentist has already told me I need a root canal.

As a specialist practice we see the most difficult and complex types of cases. There are a multitude of different reasons why your general dentist may elect to not undertake the treatment or may not able be able carry out the treatment for you. Sometimes things may have changed since you saw your dentist. We need to be able to re-assess your tooth for our own planning of your treatment. Additionally it is also a requirement under the code of practice from the New Zealand Dental Council that any complex treatment must be assessed by the treating clinician prior to undertaking treatment.


What happens next?

If endodontic treatment is your preferred option, two treatment appointments are usually required. The length of these appointments depends on which tooth is being treated and the level of difficulty involved. If the problem with your tooth is particularly difficult then three appointments may be required to complete treatment.

At the first appointment, the tooth is anaesthetised, and a rubber dam is placed over the tooth to isolate it from saliva and for patient safety. The tooth is accessed (as for a filling) and the root canal system is cleaned, shaped and disinfected. At the end of this appointment, an antibacterial dressing and temporary filling is placed. The antibacterial dressing is left in place for 2-4 weeks. This allows time for any symptoms to resolve and early healing to begin.

At the second appointment, the tooth is again anaesthetised and opened. Any final shaping is completed, before the canal(s) are filled and sealed. A permanent restoration is then placed on the tooth. If a crown has been recommended (often for posterior teeth), your own dentist will usually do this 6 months after endodontic treatment is complete.